
1st Beads

Document and share all of your 1sts in the NICU by adding one of these beautiful beads to your NICU HOPE necklace or bracelet. Order beads at the bottom of the page. 

1st Time To Hold

The first time you are able to hold your tiny baby in the NICU will be an unforgettable moment to say the least. It may be filled with fear, anxiety, and hope but most certainly with LOVE. Some moms will have to wait longer than others for this 1st, but whenever the time comes settle in for one of the most loving and warm snuggles you will ever have. Commemorate the first time you hold your baby with this tiny monkey who won't let go!

1st Cry

The 1st time to hear your baby cry sometimes comes later in your NICU journey. Especially with micro preemies a first cry can be a highly anticipated event. 

1st Diaper Change

The 1st diaper change is a milestone to be remembered. Family centered care is so important in the NICU and your first diaper change signals a readiness for parental involvement. This pretty silver bead with lavender and salmon color patches commemorates that 1st diaper change in the NICU.

1st Bath

This is a big one! Your baby's first bath is very important. From the direction your nurses will give you about bathing your preemie to seeing how your little one reacts to the water on his/her skin this moment is one you will remember and again signifies a move toward family centered care. This little cute fish dangle bead will commemorate their first bath!

First Kangaroo Care

The first time you kangaroo care your baby will be a very special time as will each time following. Commemorate the hours spent skin to skin with this beautiful silver plated bead. Kangaroo care is where the infant is held, skin-to-skin, with an adult. 

1st Bottle or Breast Feed


Another special 1st is the first time to feed your little one with a bottle or breast. Your baby is gaining strength and growing and you are now bonding with your tiny baby during feeding time.

1st Sibling or Grandparent Visit

Many time visitors bring flowers. Although that may not be possible in the NICU we symbolically chose a flowered bead for a very special 1st visit. It may be from a sibling, grandparent, aunt, or uncle. Whoever it may be, the 1st visit from a friend or family member is a time to remember and commemorate. 

1st Time to Dress

This beautiful silver button bead represents the first outfit you are able to put on your little baby. Dressing your baby is another time that you are able to bond with your baby and participate in their care in the NICU. Clothing is very special. This NICU milestone bead represents the 1st time you were able to do dress your baby.

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